Friday, April 18, 2008

Sprint is a mess ...

Sprint is a mess.

No wonder Sprint is losing customers at a record pace. They are a complete mess. Where to begin?

I needed to change my address because we're moving. I went online to sign in (I've done this many times before, although it's been awhile). I try to find my username by entering my phone number, and it says "Phone number not found." I call customer support to change my address, and someone picks up without actually saying anything. I can hear conversations going on and they're dropping their headset etc. so there's all this banging. I say "Hello ....?" and a person answers, surprised that I'm there (they picked up the call, so how can they be surprised?). After changing my address (which didn't go smoothly because the call handler couldn't remember more than one number at a time: if I say 345, she gets 3 and that's it), it turns out I don't have an online account anymore. They've gone to a new billing system, and they couldn't migrate the old users to their new system (huh?). I work in this area of the tech industry for a living, and this is a joke. This is why Sprint is a joke now.


So I go to re-register my account and they actually require a number in your account name! I've always had an account that I've used that no one else in the world would possibly want, and it doesn't have any numbers. Who in the world besides Sprint requires this?? Now I've got to have yet another different account, because Sprint has their head planted so far up their ass, it's ridiculous.

Although to be fair, now that I'm signed up, their website is definitely better. You can get a lot more info more easily about your plan, including expiration date for your contract. And I suppose since they're losing customers at a record pace, they might not treat us like shit anymore if we stick around. I was always amazed at the hubris with which they treated us when we needed help.

1 comment:

Ren said...

Prompted by your post, I pulled up the Sprint site. My previous ID/password combo worked to get me into the new ID setup page, so at least I didn't have to call them.

Forcing a number in the username is certainly idiotic -- even more idiotic than forcing a number in a password (as opposed to just checking that the password isn't too simple).