Watched Pan's Labyrinth, which was quite good (shocker, I think everyone liked this movie). It was more interesting to read the director's commentary. I'd rented this off of Netflix, but might buy a copy for myself just for the director's commentary. It was one of the better director movie commentaries, I've heard (although I didn't listen to it all because M. was getting bored).
Almost done with David Roochnik's "The Tragedy of Reason". There were a lot of things I liked about this book; it takes up the confrontation between truth-driven conceptions of reality and the more anarchic conceptions in a good way. There's several people that I've known who probably would have liked to have written this book, or a book with this theme. However, stylistically, it felt too glib. It feels like a book written on this theme should be written differently, at least stylistically. I like his tendencies toward a narrative approach, but some part of me believes the narrative should be more serious. Also, it never seems like it really gives the positive views of Plato's logocentric view, and is itself too protreptic. I wanted more focus on the journey that would take one along Plato's route (and it seems like the book sees a journey like this is possible).
Just got my Palm TX syncing with Evolution on my Thinkpad T41P running Fedora 7. I had network sync working fine for awhile with this box, but I really wanted to get it syncing with desktop machine at work and I don't have work wireless setup on that Palm. So I really needed usb syncing working. This is what I did to get this working:
1) created the pilot.rules file in /etc/udev/rules that contained:
BUS=="usb", SYSFS{product}=="Palm Handheld*|Handspring *", KERNEL=="ttyUSB*", NAME="ttyUSB%n", SYMLINK="pilot", GROUP="usb", MODE="0666"
2) copied the 60-libpisock.rules file that's included with the pilot-link rpm on Feodora to /etc/udev/rules.d.
3) I already had my user added to the uucp group
4) Was able to get 'pilot-xfer -p usb: -l' to work as a test.
5) Changed the config in gpilotd-control-applet to point at 'usb:' instead of /dev/pilot or /dev/ttyUSB*.
I think the main thing that got this working was changing to 'usb:' in gpilotd-control-applet. Not sure which of the other things helped, and which didn't matter.
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