Was disappointed in the USC-OSU game. Had been recording it on my mythtv box and one of our DVRs, but the game was so bad, I deleted both recordings around halftime (even though I have plenty of space on both).
Hadn't heard of
David Foster Wallace (which kind of surprises me since he's the kind of author I would have normally known about) and the news of his death is a bit odd. When stuff like this happens don't the family usually try and hide the fact that it was
suicide? I have no problem with the fact that they didn't, since I think in death, I wouldn't want the final statement of my life, that's this big, hidden. But it's almost as if they're broadcasting the fact that it was suicide (and if they are, they probably have a good reason to do so).
I think I'll have to read
Infinite Jest, even though I've seen many reviews that suggest it's a book that's being clever for the sake of being clever (and I generally don't have any patience for that). I guess I need to read and decide for myself; the theme certainly sounds fascinating.